Crocheting and knitting is a hobby that I always remember my grandma doing. When I was little, she taught me the basics of knitting and I had so much fun with it. I still have all my old yarn and knitting needles from when I first learned.
I stopped for a while as I got older and got more interested in sports and reading and other mediums of art. Now that I am in my 20's I have been needing a new hobby besides reading. A big part of my life came to an end in my early 20’s when I chose to stop playing volleyball altogether. This left a void that I filled with college and nursing school and letting myself get creative every so often with painting or drawing or reading. Well, about 2 years ago I began my career, and new that I would need something more than just reading to relax on the weekends. At the same time my sister was pregnant with her second child. Well, lightbulb .jpeg, I decided that it would be so fun to make a teddy bear for the new baby. And that threw me headfirst down a hobby that I never realized I would love so much.
I have now learned and accomplished so much with crochet that I accumulated too many crochet goodies. Thankfully, a lot of friends and family are having babies so that certainly helps keep the hobby alive and gives homes to all my little creations. Even with all of these lovely homes for my creations, I still have so many projects that don’t have homes! That is how I came up with The Knit Rabbit. Just a little Etsy shop where I can list my little friends to find new homes.
Teddy with Bow Tie
My First Plushie Friend 2023